Safety Blog

Rigging – Pre-Job Planning
April 12, 2023
When it comes to high-risk activities performed by our field crews, the use of rigging systems to lift and/or lower equipment ranks at the top of the list. At any…

Site Access
April 5, 2023
Lets discuss site access. Keeping the general public safe and our employees secure. Controlling access and keeping unauthorized people away from a job site is important to reduce possible…

Overhead Power Line Safety
March 29, 2023
Too many incidents occur when a worker comes too close to an energized power line, causing severe injury and disability or loss of life. This is more common than we…

Dropped Object Awareness
March 22, 2023
Fall protection for the worker has come a long way, but it’s only part of the picture. There’s another component of Safety at Heights that is only recently getting the…

Migratory Bird Season
March 15, 2023
It’s that time of year for birds such as eagles, ospreys, ravens, and crows to find a place to lay their eggs and have cute little babies. According to Wireless…

First Aid Kits
March 1, 2023
Let’s talk about first aid kits. Each of us at any time may need to use a first aid kit. First-aid kits are vital in protecting workers from serious injury…

Stretch and Flex
February 1, 2023
Soft tissue damage to a worker’s body is the number one cause of worker compensation claims. It hurts not only the worker but also hurts the company in its ability…

January 25, 2023
Every day we communicate with our team. This is many times in person, via a telephone call, text, or email. So many interactions rely on clear communication for success. One…

January 18, 2023
In our line of work we utilize fleet trucks and trailers each day traveling miles and miles to serve our customers and deliver a quality and timely product. DOT compliance…

Work Safe
January 11, 2023
With the new year comes new beginnings. Many of us set goals, both personally as well as professionally, that we aim to achieve in the year to come. Ontivity and…