Safety Blog

June 21, 2023
One of the effective ways to eliminate and control fire hazards is to have a fire watch. This is a requirement whenever welding and other operations posing fire hazards are…

Zero Harm
June 14, 2023
Safety is the core value for Ontivity and its family member companies, and today we would like to further commit to a philosophy that aligns our core values with daily…

Safe Use of Hand and Power Tools
June 7, 2023
Safe use of hand and power tools is crucial to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace. Hand and power tools are indispensable in countless industries and everyday tasks. They…

Inclement Weather
May 31, 2023
According to a recent Wireless Estimator article released on May 18th, the industry is reporting its first fatal fall of a 33-year-old tower technician while working in Kansas. Although we…

Mental Health Awareness
May 24, 2023
We have been talking for the last few weeks about national safety and compliance initiatives. While fall prevention is a critical topic and DOT compliance is a huge part of…

Safety Call: Proper Lifting Techniques
May 17, 2023
Why Are Lifting Ergonomics Important? Back injuries account for one in five workplace injuries, and 75% of workplace-related back injuries occur during a lifting task. Every year, two million back…

DOT Roadside Roundup
May 10, 2023
The FMCSA Roadside Roundup or what may also be known as the DOT Blitz is right around the corner. This campaign is a week-long event held by the Department…

May 3, 2023
Leading into the summer, the months of May and June are significant in regard to safety. At the beginning of the May, there is a National Safety Stand down where…

Heat Stress Awareness
April 26, 2023
Now that we are approaching the summer months and as temperatures begin to rise, we wanted to take the time to discuss heat stress. Heat stress is a serious condition…

Back Injury Prevention
April 19, 2023
Back injuries can be extremely painful and long-lasting. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the back injuries of more than 1 million workers account for nearly 20 percent…